The Role of Strategy in Driving Business Performance: Insights from M&A Experts

In today’s competitive business landscape, companies are constantly looking for ways to drive growth and improve their performance. One approach that many companies take is to engage in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activities. However, M&A activities can be risky and often fail to deliver the desired results. According to a study by McKinsey & Company, only about one-third of M&A deals actually deliver the expected value.

So what can companies do to improve their chances of success in M&A activities? The answer lies in having a clear and effective strategy. In this article, we will explore the role of strategy in driving business performance, with insights from M&A experts.

The Importance of Strategy in M&A

M&A activities involve significant changes to a company’s structure, operations, and culture. Therefore, having a clear and effective strategy is critical to ensure a successful outcome. A well-defined strategy helps companies to:

  • Identify potential targets that align with their overall business objectives
  • Evaluate the risks and benefits of a potential deal
  • Develop a plan to integrate the acquired company into their existing operations
  • Communicate the rationale for the deal to stakeholders, including employees, customers, and shareholders

According to a survey by Deloitte, companies that have a clear M&A strategy are more likely to achieve their desired outcomes than those without a strategy. The survey found that 60% of companies with a clear M&A strategy achieved their financial targets, compared to only 44% of companies without a strategy.

The Role of Due Diligence

Due diligence is a critical component of any M&A deal. It involves a thorough investigation of the target company’s financial, legal, and operational aspects to identify any potential risks or issues. Due diligence helps companies to:

  • Understand the true value of the target company
  • Identify potential deal breakers
  • Develop a plan to address any issues or risks identified
  • Negotiate a fair price for the target company

According to a survey by PwC, companies that conduct thorough due diligence are more likely to achieve their desired outcomes in M&A activities. The survey found that 71% of companies that conducted thorough due diligence achieved their financial targets, compared to only 48% of companies that did not conduct thorough due diligence.

The Importance of Integration Planning

Integration planning is another critical component of M&A activities. It involves developing a plan to integrate the acquired company into the acquiring company’s existing operations. Integration planning helps companies to:

  • Identify potential synergies and cost savings
  • Develop a plan to retain key employees
  • Communicate the integration plan to stakeholders
  • Minimize disruptions to operations and customers

According to a survey by Bain & Company, companies that have a clear integration plan are more likely to achieve their desired outcomes in M&A activities. The survey found that 72% of companies with a clear integration plan achieved their financial targets, compared to only 47% of companies without a clear integration plan.

The Role of Culture in M&A

Culture is a critical factor in the success of M&A activities. The culture of the acquiring company and the acquired company can have a significant impact on the success of the integration process. Companies that fail to address cultural differences and challenges are more likely to experience integration difficulties and fail to achieve their desired outcomes.

According to a survey by KPMG, companies that prioritize cultural integration are more likely to achieve their desired outcomes in M&A activities. The survey found that 67% of companies that prioritized cultural integration achieved their financial targets, compared to only 49% of companies that did not prioritize cultural integration.


In conclusion, the role of strategy in driving business performance cannot be overstated, especially when it

comes to M&A activities. Companies that have a clear and effective M&A strategy, conduct thorough due diligence, develop a solid integration plan, and prioritize cultural integration are more likely to achieve their desired outcomes in M&A activities. The insights from M&A experts show that a successful M&A deal requires a disciplined approach, a focus on value creation, and a commitment to long-term success.

By following these best practices, companies can increase their chances of success in M&A activities and achieve their desired outcomes. However, it is important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to M&A activities, and each deal requires a unique strategy and approach. Companies must be willing to adapt their approach based on the specific circumstances of the deal and be prepared to make adjustments along the way.


  1. What is the role of strategy in driving business performance?
  • A clear and effective strategy is critical to ensure a successful outcome in M&A activities. It helps companies to identify potential targets, evaluate risks and benefits, develop a plan to integrate the acquired company, and communicate the rationale for the deal to stakeholders.
  1. Why is due diligence important in M&A activities?
  • Due diligence is important in M&A activities to identify potential risks and issues, understand the true value of the target company, identify potential deal breakers, develop a plan to address any issues or risks identified, and negotiate a fair price for the target company.
  1. What is integration planning in M&A activities?
  • Integration planning involves developing a plan to integrate the acquired company into the acquiring company’s existing operations. It helps companies to identify potential synergies and cost savings, develop a plan to retain key employees, communicate the integration plan to stakeholders, and minimize disruptions to operations and customers.
  1. Why is culture important in M&A activities?
  • Culture is important in M&A activities because the culture of the acquiring company and the acquired company can have a significant impact on the success of the integration process. Companies that fail to address cultural differences and challenges are more likely to experience integration difficulties and fail to achieve their desired outcomes.
  1. What are some best practices for success in M&A activities?
  • Best practices for success in M&A activities include having a clear and effective strategy, conducting thorough due diligence, developing a solid integration plan, prioritizing cultural integration, and being willing to adapt the approach based on the specific circumstances of the deal.

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